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Japan's emperor Naruhito proclaims his enthronement in august ceremony

2019-10-23 09:32:09       source:The Straits Times

October 23, 2019

Japan's Emperor Naruhito yesterday proclaimed his enthronement at the Imperial Palace in an august ceremony steeped in ritual, vowing to fulfil his duty as the symbol of the state and of the unity of the people as spelt out in the Constitution.

In doing so, he said he will "always wish for the happiness of the people and the peace of the world, turning my thoughts to the people and standing by them".

"I sincerely hope that our country, through our people's wisdom and unceasing efforts, achieves further development and contributes to the friendship and peace of the international community and the welfare and prosperity of humankind," the 59-year-old monarch added, reading from an unfolded script.

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