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China and US chief trade negotiators hold talks, agree to push for phase one deal

2020-08-26 09:22:39       source:Global Times

August 25, 2020

The phone call made on Tuesday by chief trade talk negotiators from China and the US and the ensuing announcements showed that there is still enough will from the two sides to implement the phase one trade deal, despite doubts that the deal might be on shaky ground after the call was not held at a pre-scheduled time, Chinese analysts said on Tuesday. 

They also hinted at the idea of the US loosening its curbs on Huawei, a buyer with huge purchasing power that may help accelerate the implementation of the deal.

Chinese Vice Premier Liu He held a phone conversation with US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Tuesday at the latters' invitation and the two sides had "constructive" dialogue over the phase one deal, the Xinhua News Agency reported on Tuesday.

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