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(Analysis) Ongoing Russian-Ukrainian Intricacies

2016-05-10 08:46:39       source:Eurasia Review

By Michael Averko


May 9, 2016


"It's difficult (if not impossible) for an essay to fully cover all of the related Russian-Ukrainian complexities. Hence, articles on the subject at hand serve to encourage a follow-up. Alexander Clapp's lengthy April 25 National Interest article 'How to Join a Ukrainian Militia' has some key omissions.


Among them is Nadiya Savchenko's association with the Aidar group, which Clapp describes as the least reputable of Ukrainian nationalist militias. When compared to Clapp, some other sources are more negative on that militia. Uncritically lauded by the Obama administration and some other Western officialdom, Savchenko received Western attention after her incarceration in Russia, where she's serving a controversial sentence for complicity in the killing of two Russian journalists in eastern Ukraine. (Savchenko and Aidar are discussed in my Strategic Culture Foundation piece of this past March 17.)"


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