Home>Events>Fourth Program of China-ASEAN Academy on Oceans Law & Governance


Fourth Program of China-ASEAN Academy on Oceans Law & Governance
The Academy is co-organized by the National Institute for South China Sea Studies (NISCSS), China-Southeast Asia Research Center on the South China Sea, the International Ocean Institute-Canada (IOI-Canada) and the Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies of Wuhan University. The program covers a variety of subjects, such as the law of the sea, marine science, blue economy, climate change and adaption, marine environmental protection and preservation, biological restoration and sustainable development, and transdisciplinary approach to ocean governance. The courses are taught all in English by thirteen prominent scholars and experts from China, Canada, Japan and the United States. The program of this year brings together over 30 participants from ocean-related government agencies, research institutes and think tanks of China and ASEAN countries as well as South Korea, Micronesia and the Taiwan region.
News & Events
- 日
- 一
- 二
- 三
- 四
- 五
- 六
- 1十三
- 2世界湿地日
- 3十五
- 4立春
- 5十七
- 6十八
- 7十九
- 8二十
- 9廿一
- 10廿二
- 11廿三
- 12廿四
- 13廿五
- 14西洋情人节
- 15廿七
- 16廿八
- 17廿九
- 18除夕
- 19春节
- 20初二
- 21初三
- 22初四
- 23初五
- 24初六
- 25初七
- 26初八
- 27初九
- 28初十
- 1十一
- 2十二
- 3十三
- 4十四
- 5元宵节
- 6惊蛰
- 7十七
- 8国际妇女节
- 9十九
- 10二十
- 11廿一
- 12植树节
- 13廿三
- 14廿四
乙未年 戊寅月 辛亥日