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6th Asia Maritime Security Forum
Launched in 2011 by the NISCSS and the China Institute of the University of Alberta, the annual Asia Maritime Security Forum has been held consecutively for six years, serving as an important institutionalized mechanism between the two sides. Themed “New Development of Oceans Law and Policy in Asia Pacific and the Arctic”, the forum of this year featured topics including regional maritime security, developments regarding the law of the sea, the intersection of maritime operations and international legal frameworks, and maritime cooperation with and beyond national jurisdiction, and put forward proposals on international cooperation with regard to maritime security and ocean governance in the Asia Pacific and Arctic.
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Event Photos
NISCSS President Wu Shicun delivering a speech at the opening ceremony
Gordon Houlden, Director, China Institute, University of Alberta
Yang Li, Senior Research Fellow, NISCSS
Phillip Saunders, Director of the Marine and Environment Law Insititute
Ja lan Chong, Associate Professor, National University of Singapore
- 日
- 一
- 二
- 三
- 四
- 五
- 六
- 1十三
- 2世界湿地日
- 3十五
- 4立春
- 5十七
- 6十八
- 7十九
- 8二十
- 9廿一
- 10廿二
- 11廿三
- 12廿四
- 13廿五
- 14西洋情人节
- 15廿七
- 16廿八
- 17廿九
- 18除夕
- 19春节
- 20初二
- 21初三
- 22初四
- 23初五
- 24初六
- 25初七
- 26初八
- 27初九
- 28初十
- 1十一
- 2十二
- 3十三
- 4十四
- 5元宵节
- 6惊蛰
- 7十七
- 8国际妇女节
- 9十九
- 10二十
- 11廿一
- 12植树节
- 13廿三
- 14廿四
乙未年 戊寅月 辛亥日