President Wu Shicun Visited Renowned Marine Research Institutes in Canada
2017-10-25 22:42:49 source:NISCSS
On October 24, President Wu Shicun visited Bedford Institute of Oceanography (BIO) in Halifax, Canada. He met with Dr. Lu Youyu, head of Ocean Modelling and Analysis section of the Ocean and Ecosystem Science Division, and Ms. Darlene Smith, Science Coordinator for the Oceans Protection Program. The two sides had in-depth discussions on future cooperation between the NISCSS and BIO.
Established in 1962, BIO is located on the shores of the Bedford Basin in Dartmouth Nova Scotia of Canada. The Institute performs targeted research, mandated by the Canadian government, to provide 'peer' reviewed advice and support to government decision making on a broad range of ocean issues, including sovereignty, safety and security, environmental protection, the health of the oceans, safe and accessible waterways, the sustainable use of natural resources (fisheries, minerals, oil & gas) and the integrated management large ocean management areas.
President Wu also visited the Ocean Frontier Institute (OFI), where he exchanged views with its Executive Director Dr. Wendy Watson-Wright on the operation and sustainable development of marine research institutes, research project management, and potentials of institutional cooperation between the two sides.
OFI is a collaborative research initiative to harness the vast potential of the world’s ocean. As an international hub for ocean science, OFI brings together researchers and institutes from both sides of the North Atlantic to understand the changing ocean and create safe, sustainable solutions for development.
On the same day, Wu also met with Michael Butler, Director of the International Ocean Institute – Canada (IOI-Canada), and scholars from IOI-Canada. As an important co-organizer with the NISCSS for the annual program of China-ASEAN Advanced Academy on Ocean Law and Governance, IOI-Canada provides valuable inputs for program design and faculty arrangement.