Wu Shicun Spoke on Press Salon of All-China Journalists’ Association in Beijing
2018-05-13 22:15:01 source:NISCSS
Upon the invitation of All-China Journalists' Association, NISCSS President Wu Shicun attended the Association’s 120th Press Salon as a guest speaker in Beijing on 10 May 2018. President Wu firstly delivered remarks themed “New Opportunities for Hainan’s Development” at the press salon. He then answered questions from the audience on various issues such as the correlation between the build-up of an economic cooperation framework for the greater South China Sea and the development of Hainan Free Trade Zone, the coordination between Hainan and neighboring provinces and regions of China in economic development strategies and policies, opportunities and challenges for Hainan-Taiwan cooperation, and South China Sea-related issues in Hainan’s economic and social development.
Rong Changhai, director of International Division of All-China Journalists’ Association, chaired the Press Salon, which has brought together more than 120 participants from both domestic and overseas news media as well as press officers from foreign embassies in Beijing.
The Press Salon is designed to be a platform to brief domestic and foreign press as well as foreign diplomats in China on key Chinese policies. President Wu Shicun was previously invited as a guest speaker on the South China Sea issues at the 91th Press Salon on 27 May 2016.