NISCSS Delegation Visited Think Tanks and Academic Institutes in Washington DC
2018-06-24 09:03:34 source:NISCSS
On 18-20 June 2018, a NISCSS delegation led by President Wu Shicun visited the Center for Naval Analyses (CNA), Atlantic Council, and School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) of Johns Hopkins University. CNA and Atlantic Council are two globally famed think tanks in the field of security-related issues, while SAIS is one of the top IR schools in the United States specializing in the studies of international affairs, politics, economy, diplomacy and public policy.
At the CNA, Wu Shicun met with Dr. David Finkelstein, Director of China Program, followed by a roundtable discussion held at the Center, participated by the NISCSS delegation and more than 20 American scholars. President Wu delivered a keynote speech at the round table in which he covered issues such as current South China Sea situation, the dynamism between the Chinese and US Navies, and threats posed by the US military presence to regional security of the South China Sea. Views were exchanged with the American side on issues including the US freedom of navigation operations (FONOPs), “militarization” of the South China Sea, consultation and negotiation of the South China Sea Code of Conduct, joint development, the Indo-Pacific Strategy, and Hainan’s development as a Free Trade Zone and Free Trade Port.
During the visit at the Atlantic Council, Wu Shicun had talks with the Senior Vice President of the Atlantic Council Barry Pavel, along with other scholars of the Council. President Wu briefed the American side on the course of development of NISCSS and its scope of research. NISCSS delegates and scholars of the Atlantic Council also exchanged views on the US participation in the Belt and Road Initiative, the development of Indo-Pacific Strategy, status quo and prospect of South China Sea disputes, as well as future academic exchanges and cooperation between the two institutes.
At SAIS, Wu Shicun and his delegation met with the Associate Director of SAIS China Madelyn Ross, and other SAIS scholars such as Asia-Pacific security specialists Michael Chase and Daniel Serwer. At the round table discussion, Dr. Wu highlighted that the current South China Sea situation is relatively stable, but with potential crisis looming if uncertain factors, such as the increasing Japanese military presence and Vietnam’s unilateral oil and gas exploitation in the region, are not properly managed. He also emphasized that the China-US military competition has its implications for the South China Seas situation, and would also result in rising tensions in this region if it is mishandled. NISCSS and SAIS scholars further exchanged views on various issues such as the US FONOPs in the South China Sea, South China Sea islands development, potential European military presence, particularly UK and France, in the South China Sea, as well as the the prospects of bilateral relationship between China and the US.
Dr. Wu Shicun talking with Dr. David Finkelstein, Director of China Program at the CNA
The NISCSS Delegation at roundtable discussion with scholars of the CNA
The NISCSS Delegation at roundtable discussion with scholars of the CNA
The NISCSS Delegation visited to the Atlantic Council
Dr. Wu Shicun talking with Senior Vice President Barry Pavel and other scholars of the Atlantic Council
The NISCSS Delegation at roundtable discussion with SAIS scholars and the Associate Director of SAIS China