NISCSS Delegation on Field Study in Singapore
2019-06-26 10:06:22 source:NISCSS
On 19-21 June 2019, a delegation led by NISCSS President Wu Shicun visited Singapore for field study, following the trip to Dubai, UAE.
The delegation visited various government agencies, academic institutions and business entities that have greatly contributed to the policy planning, industrial growth and the economic and social development of Singapore.
On June 19, the delegation paid a visit to the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB), a government agency responsible for strategies that enhance Singapore’s position as a global center for business, innovation, and talent. Mr. Koh Jin Hoe, Regional President of the Asia Pacific made a comprehensive briefing on the macroeconomics and industrial structure in Singapore and the main duties of the EDB. Then Dr. Wu and Mr. Koh exchanged views on the issues of industrial structure upgrading, industrial policy making, scientific innovation, business environment, investment attraction in Singapore as well as China-Singapore cooperation.
On June 20, the delegation was received at the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) by Deputy Director of the Centre, Michelle Chiam Xiu. Director Chiam briefly introduced the SIAC functions, cases filed at the SIAC, arbitration procedures, and potential development of SIAC rules. The two sides then discussed the formation of a SIAC panel, selection of arbitrators, competitive advantages Singapore’s international arbitration system in and how could Hainan learn from Singapore in develping a diversified dispute resolutions mechanism.
During the three-day field study, the NISCSS delegation visited several think tanks and research institutes of the Singapore National University including its East Asian Institute (EAI), Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKY School) and EW Baker Centre for Law & Business (CLB). At the EAI, the delegation had a roundtable talk with Senior Research Fellow Sarah Tong on Singapore’s successful experiences in socio-economic, industrial development and immigration policy, as well as how Hainan could emulate Singapore in developing itself as a free port. At the LKY School, President Wu Shicun had a discussion with Professor Chen Kang on issues such as Lee Kuan Yew’s strategic vision, public policy, city governance, social welfare, and capacity building of the public service, among others. At the CLB, Professor Hans Tjio and NISCSS Adjunct Professor Wang Jiangyu gave in-depth presentations on Singapore’s corporate law framework, business environment supported by different laws, legal regulation required for the construction of a global financial center and its successful experiences in attracting finance and legal talent. Besides, the delegation also visited the Singapore Management University (SMU), and met with Professor Shantanu Bhattacharya, Associate Dean of Lee Kong Chian School of Business and other faculty members to discuss issues such as Singapore’s experience in the opening up of higher education, SMU’s experience in terms international cooperation, teaching and research, and human resources development and potential cooperation between NISCSS and SMU.
The delegations also visited Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP, One-North Business Park, and PSA International, the Singapore-based leading port operator in the world, and had roundtable discussion with key personnel there to seek expert advice on a variety of legal, management and development issues related to Hainan’s construction of pilot free trade zone and free trade port. Besides, President Wu Shicun met with Mr. Francis Phua Kiah Mai, President of the Singapore Hainan Hwee Kuan, and Mr. Ng Siak heng, Vice President of the Singapore China Association during the three-day visit.