First MLE program of China-ASEAN Academy on Ocean Law and Governance kicked off in Haikou
2019-10-23 11:12:06 source:NISCSS
On 21 October 2019, the first Program on Maritime Law Enforcement (MLE) of China-ASEAN Academy on Ocean Law and Governance kicked off in Haikou. The program is co-organized by the NISCSS and China-Southeast Asia Research Center on the South China Sea (CSARC), and supported by the Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources & Security (ANCORS) of the University of Wollongong.
First Program on Maritime Law Enforcement (MLE) of China-ASEAN Academy on Ocean Law and Governance kicked off in Haikou.
Counselor Sun Lushan from the Department of Boundary and Ocean Affairs of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs attended the opening ceremony of the program, and delivered a keynote speech. He briefly introduced China’s ocean policy, with emphasis on the concept of building a community of a shared future and the initiative of 21st Century Maritime Silkroad. And he highlighted that the pragmatic cooperation between China and ASEAN countries on ocean affairs is an essential part of their strategic partnership. Regarding the South China Sea, he pointed out that cooperation has been pushed forward in various fields under the framework of Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC). Especially, cooperation in MLE has made substantive progress. Sun also clarified China’s position as well as policy approaches and objectives in the South China Sea. He emphasized that the peace and stability of the South China Sea is closely related to the security, development and wellbeing of its coastal communities. Parties related should work together to further promote mutual understanding, accumulate political trust, properly manage differences, seek for win-win cooperation and common development, so as to pave the way for the final settlement of the dispute. In this sense, this MLE program has provided a timely and excellent opportunity for participating countries to enhance cooperation in relevant fields. Participants could take full advantage of this program to intensify their exchanges of views and opinions, make in-depth study of relevant laws and regulations, to learn and benefit from each other’s experiences, expertise, and good practice, and jointly seek for practical solutions to the existing problems and disputes. On the one hand, China and relevant countries should take advantage of existing dialogues and mechanisms to enrich existing channels, strengthen cooperation in MLE, substantiate cooperation content, expedite regulatory and platform construction, and to raise cooperation level to a new height. On the other hand, relevant countries need to further concentrate on cooperation, enhance capability building, and create a relatively stable and favorable legal framework to build peaceful, stable and prosperous oceans.
Mr. Yang Li, Assistant President and Director of Research Center for Maritime Economy of NISCSS and Professor Warwick Gullett from ANCORS also delivered welcome remarks at the opening ceremony on behalf of the organizers and speakers respectively.
Counselor Sun Lushan from the Department of Boundary and Ocean Affairs of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs delivered a keynote speech.
Mr. Yang Li, Assistant President and Director of Research Center for Maritime Economy of NISCSS delivered welcome remarks at the opening ceremony.
Professor Warwick Gullett from ANCORS delivered welcome remarks at the opening ceremony.
Inaugurated in January 2016, the China-ASEAN Academy on Ocean Law and Governance has been well reputed as an institutionalized platform in fostering regional capacity building in ocean governance. As a key project under the auspices of China-ASEAN Maritime Cooperation Fund, it aims to enhance mutual trust and functional cooperation among China and ASEAN countries. This one-week special MLE program is the first program of such kind under the framework of the Academy, focusing on laws, regulations and practices in several fields of regional concerns such as ship sourced pollution, maritime safety, search and rescue as well as fisheries management. It is mainly course based, yet also includes various forms of activities such simulation exercises, group projects, roundtable discussions as well as field trips. The program brings together about 40 participants from maritime law enforcement agencies, ministries of foreign affairs, research institutes and think tanks of not only China and ASEAN countries, but also Pakistan, South Korea, Timor-Leste, and Vanuatu. And programs speakers are prominent scholars and experts from China and Australia.
Group Photo of First Program on Maritime Law Enforcement (MLE) of China-ASEAN Academy on Ocean Law and Governance