NISCSS held the 6th China-ROK Maritime Cooperation Forum
2021-03-25 18:53:47 source:NISCSS
On 23 March 2021, the 6th China-ROK Maritime Cooperation Forum, co-organized by the National Institute for South China Sea Studies (NISCSS) and Korea Institute for Maritime Strategy (KIMS), took place online. The forum brought together more than 40 scholars and officials from various ocean-related agencies, think tanks and universities of both China and ROK, including the NISCSS, Tsinghua University, Dalian Maritime University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the Global Governance Institution, KIMS, Korea University, JeJu National University, Korea Institute of Science and Technology and Korea Maritime Institute. The agenda of the forum covered topics of mutual concern, including “Cooperative Offshore Maritime Resources Development between ROK and China in the Yellow Sea” and “Legal and Security Issues Surrounding the Use of Weapons by the Coast Guard in Peace Time”. Dr. Wu Shicun, President of NISCSS and Mr. Chung Eui Sung, Chairman of KIMS delivered opening remarks.
Dr. Wu Shicun pointed out that China and the ROK are close neighbors on the sea and both have major influence in international maritime affairs. Therefore, communication, coordination and cooperation in maritime affairs are an important part of the overall relationship between China and the ROK. The ROK is a pioneer in Asia in formulating maritime development strategy and improving maritime legislation; China is building a “great maritime power” and promoting the 21st-century Maritime Silk Road initiative in recent years. There is room for cooperation in the synergizing of their maritime development strategies. Adjacent to the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea, China and the ROK have overlapped maritime claims. The two countries should not only complete maritime delimitation between them, but also share responsibilities and obligations for regional maritime governance, such as maintenance of navigation safety, conservation of marine resources, and protection of marine environment in the relevant waters.
In his speech, Chairman Chung Eui Sung said that there are various maritime issues between China and ROK in areas of fisheries maritime boundary delimitation, maritime resources development, law enforcement at sea, which cannot be solved unilaterally. With strong association with our future, these issues can be sustainable only if both parts work together in a spirit of cooperation and trust rather than competition and distrust. Lessons to be learnt from the so-called "tragedy of commons" indicated that only mutual respect for other's rights and interests can lead to better outcomes in the end.
Launched by the NISCSS and the KIMS in 2014, the China-ROK Maritime Cooperation Forum has been held for six years. Since its establishment, the Forum has evolved into an academic platform for second-track exchanges between Chinese and Korean think tanks in the maritime sector. It has played an important role in providing intellectual support and serving as a bridge for promoting communication on ocean policies, cooperation on ocean governance, and people-to-people and academic exchanges.