‘Together for a shared future’: 2022 Olympics highlight genuine friendship beyond borders
2022-02-21 10:56:05 source:g
February 20, 2022
Hugs, thank-you letters, exchanges of gifts… As the biggest stage in sports in 2022, the Beijing Winter Olympics not only witnessed the fabulous moments of athletes competing for medals on the fields in the past 16 days, but also showed the world how it has built bridges of friendship across national boundaries in the vision of its official motto - "Together for a Shared Future" - as it embraced a successful ending on Sunday.
"Too much sad," said Edson Bindilatti, a Brazilian bobsledder, when he was asked how he felt about leaving Beijing. "We were welcomed with open arms by all the volunteers, all happy with our presence," the 42-year-old athlete told the Global Times on Sunday. He said he will "miss all [in Beijing]" when he goes back to Brazil.
Like Bindilatti, many athletes expressed their appreciation for the Games and the Chinese people they have come in contact with, either face-to-face or remotely.
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