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Beijing, Shanghai walk out of shadow of Omicron

2022-05-30 10:16:26       source:Global Times

May 29, 2022

Beijing and Shanghai, China's two megacities, are gradually walking out of the shadow of Omicron outbreaks, providing valuable experiences for the country in carrying out the dynamic zero-COVID strategy that once again proves to be the most effective approach in containing the highly contagious virus at the minimum costs to the economy and people's life. 

Epidemiologists summarized that fast testing, strict and timely measures are key to Beijing's 37-day battle against the latest COVID flares-up, as the Chinese capital city drew lessons from Shanghai's tough anti-COVID battle that has lasted for two months. With the full opening-up of the country's top two cities, some economists forecast that the overall cost of implementing the dynamic zero-COVID approach on the economic growth rate will not exceed 0.5 percentage points. With rapid resumption of the production and business, the annual economic growth rate could still achieve 5 percent in 2022. 

Back to normalcy 

Beijing residents embraced a joyful Sunday in newly reopened shopping malls, cinemas and gyms in low-risk areas, a major step toward normalcy, after a month-long business suspension due to the Omicron outbreak.

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