PLA holds three combat drills around Taiwan in one month amid US-Taiwan military collusion
2022-06-02 10:34:16 source:Global Times
June 1, 2022
The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Eastern Theater Command on Wednesday announced the third large-scale military exercise around the island of Taiwan in the past 30 days targeting US-Taiwan collusion, seeing US Senator Tammy Duckworth off as she was leaving Taiwan following her three-day visit, in which the island's regional leader Tsai Ing-wen said that a cooperation plan between the US National Guard and Taiwan's armed forces was in the works.
It is important for the PLA to enhance concrete combat preparedness in addition to sending just warnings, as the US National Guard's cooperation with Taiwan's armed forces could enhance the latter's urban warfare capability, which marks a further secessionist attempt of resisting reunification by force, according to Chinese mainland experts.
In a necessary action taken in response to US-Taiwan collusion, the PLA Eastern Theater Command recently organized a multi-service joint combat readiness patrol in and above waters around the island of Taiwan, announced Senior Colonel Shi Yi, spokesperson for the PLA Eastern Theater Command, in a statement on Wednesday.
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