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South China Sea: Need for Creative Diplomacy

2015-06-15 08:37:49       source:Saudi Gazette

June 14, 2015

"Many people are worried that the South China Sea may turn out to be a global energy choke point like the Strait of Hormuz where small mistakes or provocations could lead to a bigger conflagration. A senior Chinese diplomat's statement on Wednesday on this issue should allay such fears.

Differences between US and China over the South China Sea and other issues should be addressed not by 'microphone diplomacy' but in 'a proper way,' Wu Xi, deputy chief of mission at the Chinese Embassy in Washington said. In her speech at a meeting on Capitol Hill to mark the 10th anniversary of the US Congress' US-China Working Group, she did not explain what she meant by 'proper way.' Wu said common interests, including bilateral trade volume of $550 billion last year, 'far outweigh' differences between the two countries."

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