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China and Russia Plan Large Joint Naval Exercise For August

2015-06-17 08:38:52       source:Value Walk

June 16, 2015

"On June 11th, the Russian Navy and the Peoples Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) completed several days of reconnaissance in Russia's Far East as part of planning for a future joint naval exercise. Later this year in August, both navies will meet for the second phase of Joint Sea-2015 in the Sea of Japan for several days of exercises. These joint exercises represent an increase in activities by both navies aimed at improving readiness, training, and interoperability. More importantly, what they indicate is a China with a growing global reach. At the beginning of the century, such large and distant maritime operations by the PLAN were impossible but now that China is transitioning from a green-water to a blue-water navy, they are becoming the norm. This should be cause for concern to certain countries engaged in disputes with China."

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