Xi addresses COP14, calls for advancing global process on wetlands conservation
2022-11-06 10:16:47 source:Global Times
November 5, 2022
Chinese President Xi Jinping called for advancing global process on wetlands conservation, redoubling efforts to preserve authenticity and integrity, and scaling up wetlands action across the world in an address to the 14th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (COP14) held in Wuhan, Central China’s Hubei Province, on Saturday via a video link.
President Xi noted that historic achievements have been made in wetlands conservation in China, and China has put in place a protection system, and enacted a Wetlands Conservation Law, amid applause from attending international representatives on China's long-term commitment to wetland conservation, as well as tackling climate change and protecting biodiversity.
With four percent of the world’s wetlands, China meets the ecological, productional, living and cultural needs of one fifth of the world’s population, making an important contribution to global wetland conservation and their sustainable use, according to international delegations at the conference.
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