(Opinion) Xi's Visit Deepens Sino-US Understanding
2015-10-08 08:52:42 source:Global Times
By Robert A. Manning
October 7, 2015
"By all accounts, Chinese President Xi Jinping was remarkably well prepared for his trip to the US, addressed US concerns in a major speech, in extraordinary meetings with US business leaders in Seattle, and in reaching several important bilateral agreements with his US counterpart Barack Obama. If Xi sought respect for China as a great power, the remarkable assembly of top US CEOs in Seattle and the White House welcome ceremony treating China no less than it would a US ally suggest he achieved that goal.
Xi's visit took place at a moment of uncertainty in US policy toward China. Many of the assumptions that have guided US policy toward China from Richard Nixon to Obama are being called into doubt, by US businesses as well as strategic analysts.
The agreements reached on cyber security, progress on the Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) and climate change at the summit could, if implemented, answer critics and help stabilize a volatile Sino-US relationship."
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