(Opinion) Agreement centered on protectionism, not free trade
2015-10-09 09:03:15 source:Global Times
October 8, 2015
"Apparently, news that the US, Japan and 10 other Pacific Rim nations have finalized the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
agreement has made many Chinese over-upset and many Americans
over-thrilling. It's a pity that people tend to seek as simple as
possible answers when the global affairs become increasingly
complicated. Just as China has realized the establishment of the Asian
Infrastructure Investment Bank is a major test instead of a smashing
victory, the TPP is no panacea for the US economic plight.
Prestowitz, president of the Economic Strategy Institute, published an
article in the Los Angeles Times this January titled 'The Trans-Pacific
Partnership won't deliver jobs or curb China's power,' in which he
argues that 'US leaders promised [previous free-trade] deals would
create high-paying jobs, reduce the trade deficit, increase GDP and
raise living standards. But none of this came true.' Statistics released
by the Economic Policy Institute show that since 1997, US manufacturing
has lost 5.5 million jobs."
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