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(Opinion) Western iceberg breaking apart as China rises

2015-10-12 09:07:23       source:Global Times

October 11, 2015

"Editor's Note:

The recent slowdown has called previous narratives about China's rise into question for some. How should we view this economic slowdown? What role will the US play? Global Times (GT) London-based correspondent Sun Wei interviewed Martin Jacques (Jacques), a senior fellow at the Department of Politics and International Studies, Cambridge University, and a visiting professor at Tsinghua University, Beijing, about these questions.

GT: Nobel Prize winner Joseph E. Stiglitz claims in an article that the 'Chinese century' has begun and that Americans should take China's new status as the No.1 economy as a wake-up call. Professor Joseph Nye of Harvard University explains in an essay why the "American century" is far from over. Obama said last year the US will lead the world for the next 100 years. What do you think of these debates?

Jacques: The US is still the dominant power in the world in probably every sense. China is only challenging it economically by virtue of having a huge population."

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