(Opinion) Military Facilities Aren't Militarization in the South China Sea: Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister
2015-11-24 08:48:07 source:The Diplomat
By Ankit Panda
November 23, 2015
"Speaking at the 10th East Asia Summit in Malaysia on Sunday, China's deputy foreign minister, Liu Zhenmin, clarified China's position on the militarization of the South China Sea. Since 2014, China’s activities in the South China Sea have come under close scrutiny after Beijing began a spate of artificial island-building and construction activities on several features in the Spratly Islands at a historically unprecedented pace. Satellite imagery analysis has long shown that China is undertaking construction to facilitate military activities, including setting up new radar facilities, helipads, and airstrips.
In Kuala Lumpur, Liu reiterated China's long-standing position that the purpose of these islands is to 'provide public service' in the region. He noted the value of these facilities for humanitarian assistance and disaster relief missions. 'One should never link the military facilities with efforts to militarize the South China Sea,' Liu added. 'This is a false argument. It is a consistent Chinese position to firmly oppose the militarization of the South China Sea.' Liu's language echoed assurances made by Chinese President Xi Jinping during his September visit to the United States. During a press conference with U.S. President Barack Obama, Xi said that China would never militarize the South China Sea."
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