(Opinion) Japan's Deep Unease Skews Views on China
2016-04-14 09:10:34 source:Global Times
April 13, 2016
"We interviewed Yukio Hatoyama, former Japanese prime minister, on the afternoon of the very day that we arrived in Japan.
is known as a 'pro-China' politician. In 2009 after he was elected as
prime minister, he pledged not to visit the Yasukuni Shrine, which
enshrines Japanese war criminals responsible for atrocities during WWII.
In 2013, he said the Japanese government should admit that there is a
substantial territorial dispute with China over the Senkaku Islands,
known as Diaoyu Islands in China.
I asked Hatoyama two
questions: Why can't his point of view about Japan's aggressive history
be more widely accepted in Japan? And how to deliver an accurate view of
history to the Japanese?"
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