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(Opinion)  After 'political punishment', South Korea Ruling Party Must Fulfill Promises

2016-04-18 09:12:34       source:Global Times

April 17, 2016

"The result of South Korea's general election last week has become a heated international discussion. The ruling Saenuri Party won 122 seats, less than half of the 300 seats in the National Assembly. Losing the assembly was without doubt a disastrous defeat for the party. It was the first time in 16 years that the ruling party failed to hang on to parliamentary majority.

The Minjoo Party of Korea (MPK), the country's opposition party, secured 123 seats. Public opinion generally believes that this will bring pressure for the rest of President Park Geun-hye's term in the coming one year and eight months.

The newly established People's Party captured 38 seats, with its chairman Ahn Cheol-soo successfully breaking the two-party dynamic, restoring three-party politics in the nation for the first time in 20 years."

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