(Opinion) Wu Jianmin Remembered As A True Globalist
2016-06-19 09:41:13 source:China Daily
By Zhang Haizhou
June 18, 2016
"I was in Vietnam on Friday, and had a chance to meet a senior Filipino diplomat. Talking about how China and the Philippines should improve their strained ties under incoming President Rodrigo Duterte, he suggested inviting one prominent and open-minded Chinese diplomat to give a lecture in Manila later this year.
'Who do you think would be the right one?' I asked.
'Ambassador Wu Jianmin,' the Filipino replied, without any hesitation. 'He is a truly respectful diplomat for his exceptional manner, decency, and global view. I'm sure he will be welcomed.'
He then asked if I could help. I accepted the request and said I would contact the 77-year-old former Chinese ambassador to France once I was back in the office on Monday."
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