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(Opinion) Power game decides post-arbitration order

2016-07-05 09:54:26       source:Global Times

July 5, 2016

"As the result of the international arbitration over the South China Sea dispute approaches, China is undertaking a military drill from July 5 to 11 in the waters around the Xisha Islands. In Western media reports, this exercise is happening 'at a sensitive time,' because the arbitral result will be announced on July 12. Beijing has announced its position of neither participation in nor recognition of the arbitration.

The South China Sea dispute has been greatly complicated after heavy US intervention. Now an international tribunal has also been included, posing more threat to the integrity of China's maritime and territorial sovereignty.

Regardless of the principle that the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) shall not arbitrate on territorial disputes, the arbitration becomes nothing but a farce. But the US could use it to impose more pressure on China, causing more tensions in the South China Sea."

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