Ad Hoc Tribunal on South China Sea Arbitration Has No Legal Relationship with PCA
2016-07-18 08:48:31 source:Xinhua News Agency
July 17, 2016
"The ad hoc tribunal handling the South China Sea arbitration has no legal relationship with the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA), experts said at the Public International Law Colloquium on Maritime Disputes Settlement held here at the weekend.
The ad hoc tribunal is rather an arbitration set up under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), Myron Nordquist, professor of the University of Virginia, said on Saturday.
The South China Sea arbitration, according to Professor Nordquist, is not a PCA arbitration.
Kuen-chen Fu, professor of Xiamen University, noted that there is easily confusion about the name of the PCA. He pointed out that the PCA should no longer be called a 'court,' as it is not an agency of the United Nations, and should not be confused with the International Court of Justice, which is a judicial branch of the UN."
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