(Opinion) Seeking a US-China Consensus in the South China Sea
2016-07-19 08:39:20 source:The Diplomat
By Chen Xiaochen
July 19, 2016
"Tension in the South China Sea does not necessarily mean an impasse. If think tanks and political circles of both China and the United States could realize the importance of disparities management and control, frank strategic dialogues, prudent thinking, and consensus seeking, along with the proceeding of substantial academic exchange, would have a positive effect on the South China Sea tensions and U.S.-China relationship.
First of all, managing and controlling differences is the top priority to cool down the tensions in the short run. This will take time. Rome was not built in a day; the South China Sea dispute is complicated while U.S.-China relations is the most sophisticated relationship worldwide. We are fully aware of the divergences between the United States and China over the South China Sea issue. Nevertheless, the divergences not only imply conflict, but also indicate we should manage and control them. The Code for Unplanned Encounters at Sea (CUES) is an important shared rule, but not enough. Military and political circles in both countries should facilitate more channels for communication, whether in ordinary times or during an emergency."
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