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(Opinion) Trudeau China visit sets tone for rebalancing

2016-09-05 09:07:25       source:Global Times

September 4, 2016

"In a sign of rapprochement with China, the administration of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Wednesday announced its decision to apply to join the China-backed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). Canada, a key US ally, could become the first North American state to assume AIIB membership.

More than four decades after his father began paving the way for Sino-Canadian relations in the 1970s, Trudeau is set to open a new era in the bilateral relations. Unlike his predecessor Stephen Harper, who tied Canada closely to the US, Trudeau has opted for a more balanced diplomacy since he took office. The new prime minister aims to rebalance the Harper government's pro-US policies, diluting the excessive political flavor attached in its dealings with China and securing a balance between China and the US."

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