(Opinion) US rebalancing strategy faces dim future
2016-10-10 09:01:15 source:Global Times
October 10, 2016
"With the US presidential election entering the sprint stage, Barack
Obama's eight-year term is also close to an end. Looking back over his
eight years in power, the president has brought many new ideas and
changes for US diplomacy - giving priority to using multilateral
platforms to solve hot spot issues, making efforts to ease relations
with hostile countries, promoting non-traditional security issues
including climate change and non-proliferation. One of the most notable
changes is that the US has shifted its strategic focus to the
Asia-Pacific region, and 'rebalancing' has become key to its foreign
Obama's 'pivot' has a unique background and rationality.
On the one side, during the George W. Bush period, the US, to a large
degree, focused too much on the Middle East and anti-terrorism while
ignoring Asia, making its Asia-Pacific allies and partners dissatisfied. 'The US is losing Asia' has increasingly become a worry among the US
strategic circles. It can be said that pivot to Asia was the US
bolstering weak spots."
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