(Opinion) Conceit and Callowness: Causes of US-Philippines Contretemps
2016-10-19 09:06:43 source:IPP Review
October 18, 2016
"In recent weeks, US-Philippines relations have — to put it mildly — undergone a rough patch as the new Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has sought to 'rebalance' Philippine foreign policy and lessen its dependence on the US. The reaction of Asia policy makers and analysts in the US has ranged from anger to handwringing to ignoring, denying, or downplaying the significance and roots of the problem.
For the US, the Philippines is the main hinge of its diplomatic and military pivot towards Asia. But Duterte says he intends to loosen ties with the US and lead his country towards a more 'independent' foreign policy. In particular, Duterte wants to forge closer relations with China and Russia. He has suspended military exercises with the US in the South China Sea because 'China is against it' and has said that US troops in the southern Philippines should leave. Duterte has also said that the 2014 US-Philippines Extended Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) which allows the US to rotate troops and equipment through the Philippines and use some of its bases is an executive agreement that can be revoked, implying that it may be reevaluated. However, he has also said that he 'would not abrogate the 1951 Mutual Defense Treaty with the US that provides a security umbrella for the Philippines.'"
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