(Opinion) Can the US political system survive this farcical presidential election?
2016-11-03 09:00:05 source:South China Morning Post
November 2, 2016
"FBI director James Comey broke all precedent and threw a bombshell in the final stages of the US presidential election campaign, revealing that emails possibly involving Hillary Clinton were under investigation.
It's not clear whether this is a stink bomb, smelly and messy but harmless; or a ticking time bomb that may blow up in Clinton's face, or Comey's; or worse, something with the potential to devastate the US political system.
American 'democracy' – and I think it legitimately goes within quotation
marks questioning it – has become a laughing stock, given the antics of
politicians of all parties in Congress, in the presidential primaries
and, most of all, in the verbal slugfest known as the debates between
Clinton and her Republican rival, Donald Trump. The bigger issue is that
the place and reputation of the US in the world is at stake."
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