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(Opinion) Fidel Castro's lasting legacy

2016-11-27 09:12:23       source:Global Times

November 26, 2016

"Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro died Friday night at the age of 90. As the last prominent leader from the Cold War, his death is reminiscent of the vicissitudes of that era, triggering tons of comments on his legacy.

Fidel Castro gradually transferred power to his younger brother, Raul Castro, after a serious illness in 2006. Raúl Castro has been in power for many years, so Fidel Castro’s death will not impact Cuban politics.

Fidel Castro was a man of the 20th century, a witness of the ups and downs of the world of that era. He significantly influenced and reshaped Cuba, leaving a mark on Latin America. He was destined to have a divided public image."

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