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(Opinion) A nuclear arms race not likely despite Trump’s ambitions

2016-12-27 08:54:57       source:Global Times

December 26, 2016

"US President-elect Donald Trump tweeted Thursday that 'the United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes.' The comment was made just hours after Russian President Vladimir Putin pledged to enhance Moscow's nuclear forces. The remarks soon sparked heated discussions on the prospect of a new arms race between the two nuclear superpowers.

Trump is known for his 'big mouth.' While attention needs to be paid to what he said as the president-elect, his remarks need not be over-interpreted.

The tweet only represents Trump's personal view as an election winner who has not yet formally taken office, and the extent to which Trump will turn his words into real policies still remains to be seen."

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