(Opinion) News Analysis: Abe's words at Pearl Harbor deemed lukewarm by Chinese-Americans
2016-12-29 09:14:55 source:Xinhua News Agency
December 28, 2016
"Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's remarks that his country 'must never repeat the horrors of war again' did not resound well in America's Chinese community.
'Abe did not apologize for the attack,' the Denver Post stated hours after the Japanese leader's much-ballyhooed speech at Pearl Harbor Monday, on the 75th anniversary of the site where Japanese bombers killed more than 2,400 unsuspecting Americans on Dec. 7, 1941.
Another unnerving fact of Abe's questioned sincerity was that Japanese media lied about his Hawaii trip for months in advance, saying he was the 'first' Japanese prime minister to visit the bombing site since the attack 75 years ago."
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