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(Opinion) Where is the New US-Philippines Military Pact Under Duterte?

2017-01-29 08:27:01       source:The Diplomat

January 28, 2017

"For all the headlines that Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte generates – including on his 'separation' from the United States – more often than not his rhetoric does not translate well into reality’(See: 'The Limits of Duterte’s US-China Rebalance').

That applies to U.S.-Philippine defense relations too. As I have noted previously, while Duterte had called for an end of all U.S.-Philippine military exercises, defense officials including Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana had indicated that Duterte in fact had little knowledge about the full extent of ties, even though his anti-Americanism is quite real and deeply-rooted(See: 'Why the Philippines' Rodrigo Duterte Hates America')."

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