(Opinion) Ivanka’s Spring Festival presence welcome
2017-02-03 09:00:21 source:Global Times
February 3, 2017
"US first daughter Ivanka Trump and her daughter came to the Chinese Embassy in Washington, DC on Wednesday night to attend a Spring Festival celebration. Her appearance attracted wide attention.
Customarily, American presidents usually send greetings at lunar new year, but this time US President Donald Trump
broke with tradition, letting his acting Secretary of State Tom Shannon
do the job instead. Whether US presidents send greetings at Chinese
lunar new year does not impact the festival mood among Chinese, except
perhaps those in the US.
Trump's lack of a new year greeting has been interpreted as maintaining a hard-line stance toward China. Ivanka Trump's attendance at the Chinese new year celebration sent an opposing message, which was seen as balancing Trump's harsh posture."
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