(Opinion) India over-sensitive on China’s engagement in South Asia
2017-03-21 09:03:24 source:Global Times
March 21, 2017
"At the invitation of the Defense Ministry of Sri Lanka and Nepal, China's State Councilor and Defense Minister General Chang Wanquan
on Sunday embarked on a visit to the two South Asian countries. As
observers started to predict that the tour could unnerve New Delhi, such
analysis was swiftly verified by Indian media.
The tone of a
report in the Hindustan Times sounds vigilant and sour. Claiming that
Chang's visit to Nepal and the first ever China-Nepal joint military
drill has made New Delhi 'nervous,' the newspaper also noted that the
Nepalese government 'cannot afford to say no to Beijing,' as if China is
carrying a stick around when interacting with its neighbors."
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