Can Moon chart independent diplomatic course for South Korea?
2017-05-11 09:22:10 source:Global Times
May 10, 2017
"South Korean Democratic Party candidate Moon Jae-in, who advocates the Sunshine policy toward North Korea and a favorable relationship with China, was sworn in as president on Wednesday. There have been debates about whether he will bring changes to the geopolitical rivalries in Northeast Asia. Moon said that he is open to visiting his northern neighbor under the 'right conditions."'This is the long-awaited olive branch extended to Pyongyang by Seoul.
During the administration of Lee Myung-bak and the latter stages of the Park Geun-hye administration, conservative thinking dominated South Korea. South Korea lost its clout in Northeast Asia and became a pawn of the US' rebalance to the Asia-Pacific strategy. Seoul could not voice its opinion over Korean Peninsula affairs."
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