Commentary: High time for all outsiders to stop meddling in South China Sea
2017-06-03 08:32:23 source:Xinhua News Agency
June 2, 2017
"It is high time for all outsiders to stop meddling and start to play a more constructive role as the South China Sea issue has returned to the right track.
As the parties directly involved have pledged to join hands to make the South China Sea a sea of peace, friendship and cooperation, the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) on Tuesday issued here a report 'Asia Pacific Regional Security Assessment 2017' ahead of the Shangri-La Dialogue opened here in the evening. The report once again pointed fingers at China and described China as the potential threat in the South China Sea.
The report said 'considerable security challenges for the United States and its regional allies and partners will persist' as China could deploy 'military personnel full-time' in the South China Sea."
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