Turnbull mends his broken heart by targeting China
2017-06-04 09:20:35 source:Global Times
June 3, 2017
"Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on Friday delivered a speech at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, using a considerable number of paragraphs to voice his pessimistic views about China.
said some people fear China will seek to impose a latter-day Monroe
Doctrine on this hemisphere in order to dominate the region,
marginalizing the role and contribution of other nations, in particular
the US. He also talked about the possibility that China could isolate
those who stand in opposition to or are not aligned with its interests
while using its economic largesse to reward those toeing the line.
He further said a coercive China would find its neighbors resenting demands they cede their autonomy and strategic space, and look to counterweight Beijing's power by bolstering alliances and partnerships, between themselves and especially with the US."
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