S.Korea can’t strike a balance between China and US on THAAD
2017-06-08 09:21:43 source:Global Times
June 7, 2017
"South Korea's presidential office confirmed on Wednesday that a further deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-missile system is to be suspended, and there will be a full-blown environmental impact assessment into it. A senior Blue House official said: 'We won't do anything to [the two launchers] already deployed, but when it comes to the additional deployment [of four launchers], we have to wait for the environmental impact assessment.'
During the recent Shangri-La Dialogue, South Korean President Moon Jae-in promised the US that it would not cancel the deployment of THAAD. Although the latest announcement from the Blue House is not much different from Moon's promise to the US, Moon, at least, is slowing down the THAAD deployment. The 'not canceling' and 'slowing down' are two sides of the same coin shown to the US and China."
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