Trump must reject Russia sanctions bill
2017-07-28 09:13:25 source:Global Times
July 27, 2017
Anti-Russia hysteria in Washington reached the next level with new
sanctions legislation in Congress. The legislation sharpens tensions
with Russia, upsets cooperation with the European Union (EU), and
undermines presidential authority over foreign policy.
The highly
controversial sanctions legislation is an outcome of the general
hysteria in Washington, DC over not only Russia but also over Iran and North Korea.
The underlying reason for the anti-Russia sanctions is the maintenance
of the US global hegemony of finance capitalism in the face of a
changing international situation. As the world moves toward a multipolar
and polycentric international system, the hegemonic position of the US
recedes. So Washington seeks to defend its hegemony through economic
means and through the military power of NATO.
But the evolving multipolar world includes countries with economic models reflecting national circumstances and characteristics. Globalization as a trend does not mean that countries automatically must reject their own development models and succumb to the hegemony of US finance capitalism.
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