U.S. Ambassador to UN says time for China to act, Japan PM Abe speaks with Trump
2017-07-31 09:43:13 source:CNBC
July 31, 2017
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe spoke with U.S. President Donald
Trump on Monday and agreed on the need for further action on North Korea
just hours after the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations said the
United States is "done talking about North Korea".
Nikki Haley, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, said in a statement that China must decide if it is willing to back imposing stronger U.N. sanctions on North Korea over Friday night's long-range missile test, the second this month.
Any new U.N. Security Council resolution "that does not significantly increase the international pressure on North Korea is of no value," Haley said, adding that Japan and South Korea also needed to do more.
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