Karot Hydropower Project could generate wide range of benefits for China, India and Pakistan
2017-09-21 09:28:14 source:Global Times
September 20, 2017
China is racing to complete the Karot Hydropower Project in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (POK) ahead of schedule, Bloomberg News reported recently. China is likely to maintain its neutral stance on the India-Pakistan dispute over Kashmir, but this will not interfere with China's efforts to increase its economic presence in the region, in a bid to ensure more local people could benefit from the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).
The Karot Hydropower Project located on the Jhelum River on the boundary between the Punjab region of Pakistan and the country's self-governing Azad Kashmir division. According to Bloomberg, construction on the power station is "set to finish nine months ahead of its December 2021 completion date." Hydropower construction involves a considerable range of issues such as relocation of people. The shortened construction period suggested the project has gained understanding, support and trust from local authorities and the public in POK.
In recent years, Pakistan has faced intermittent power outages of up to 18 hours a day. Power shortages coupled with high electricity rates hobbled Pakistan's economy, and this is an especially serious issue when it comes to POK. The Karot project's installed capacity is 720 megawatts. Additionally, hydropower is the cheapest source of electricity for Pakistan. The project can tangibly benefit the country's economy, which is why it can gain support from local people.
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