US sanctions 'network' accused of forging money for Iran
2017-11-21 09:28:41 source:The Straits Times
November 21, 2017
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The United States on Monday (Nov 20) imposed sanctions on a network individuals and companies accused of forging money to help Iran's Revolutionary Guards, officials announced.
The sanctions targeted four companies and two individuals involved in printing counterfeit Yemeni currency to benefit Iran, including Iranian national Reza Heidari and Mahmoud Seif, whose nationality was not given, according to a statement.
The US Treasury said the pair allegedly used the companies - ForEnt Technik and Printing Trading Center in Frankfurt, and Rayan Printing and Tejarat Almas Mobin Holding in Tehran - to evade European export restrictions while procuring equipment used to print fake Yemeni currency potentially worth hundreds of millions of US dollars.
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