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‘A giant symbol’: In fight over Trump’s wall, Democrats who once supported a border barrier now oppose it

2018-01-07 10:08:27       source:The Washington Post

January 6, 2018

The Democrat-controlled Senate was nearing a make-or-break vote on a comprehensive immigration bill in June 2013 when a pair of Republican senators swooped in with an 11th-hour amendment aimed at clinching enough GOP support to avoid a filibuster.

A key provision: doubling the length of a new border “fence” between the United States and Mexico from 350 miles to 700 miles.

Democrats didn’t think such a barrier was necessary. Neither did the Obama White House. To them, the proposal seemed arbitrary — a random doubling of the size at the last minute for political purposes. In the end, though, all 54 Democrats in the Senate supported the provision in hopes of realizing a bigger goal — providing a path to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants.

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