I am your protector, Erdogan tells Europe’s Muslims
2018-05-21 10:11:53 source:The Times
May 21, 2018
President Erdogan condemned Europe’s treatment of Turks yesterday as he used a fiery speech at a rally on European soil to present himself as champion of the continent’s Muslims.
He urged expatriate Turks to fight back against any discrimination by working their way into power in European capitals. “The European countries that claim to be the cradles of democracy have failed,” he told 15,000 cheering supporters in Sarajevo, many of whom had been bussed in from Germany, Austria and the Netherlands.
He claimed that Turks serving in various European governments were working to undermine Turkey, and called on his supporters living in Europe to get educated and win their own places in those governments. “European Turks must show their strength to the whole world,” he said. “You need to be in those parliaments instead of the ones who betray our country.
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