In GOP, Trump bump has become a tsunami
2018-09-04 10:58:44 source:CNN
September 3, 2018
CNN -- First South Carolina, then Alabama and Georgia. Now Florida and Arizona. The "Trump Bump" is better described as a tsunami.
A month ago, Florida gubernatorial candidate Congressman Ron DeSantis ran a corny but humorous ad about his support of Donald Trump. The ad started with his Emmy-winning TV personality wife, Casey, cheerfully stating, "Everyone knows my husband Ron is endorsed by President Trump...but he's also an amazing dad." As she speaks, we see Congressman DeSantis teaching his toddler to build a wall, reading Trump bedtime stories and their infant son wearing a MAGA shirt.
The left-leaning pundits on "Morning Joe" bemoaned the ad and seemed baffled by it. The panelists were so disturbed by the ad that not even safe zones on Ivy League campuses could have helped them.
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