Behind the US' smaller arms package to Taiwan lie bigger problems for China
2018-10-03 08:40:53 source:The South China Morning Post
October 3, 2018
United States arms sales to Taiwan usually provoke an angry rebuke from Beijing. The notification, published by the Defence Security Cooperation Agency on September 24, indicating future arms sales to Taiwan valued at some US$330 million, is a case in point.
China’s foreign ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang denounced the sale as a breach of China’s sovereignty and demanded an end to US-Taiwan arms sales. Needless to say, Taiwan has praised the decision and thanked Washington for its continuous support.
Beijing’s go-to reaction in the past was to suspend military exchanges with the US, knowing that the Pentagon places a high value on military-to-military contacts with the People’s Liberation Army. Military exercises around Taiwan are another popular item in Beijing’s toolbox.
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