Does Britain regret Brexit? Crisis and confusion leave country even more divided.
2018-12-12 11:41:07 source:The Washington Post
December 11, 2018
Britons voted to leave the European Union in June 2016. Two and a half years later, the country is still trying to work out how that will actually work — indeed, it’s still not clear yet what Brexit actually means in practice.
So do Britons regret Brexit? Or have they doubled down on their intentions since the vote? Do they just want it to be over? The answer to each of these questions is simple: yes. Roughly speaking, Britain’s attitude toward Brexit as it prepares to leave the European Union can be broken down into four segments of society.
And when you look at the way these four segments often contradict, you can see not only why British Prime Minister Theresa May is having such a hard time finding a deal that will please all parts of society — and why even a second referendum might prove difficult, too.
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